As a concrete example, you might consider adding extra ripe bananas to add sweetness to a slightly sweet banana bread recipe, or apple slices to an apple crumble recipe. Here`s a list of some potential legal sweeteners for whole ingredients – cooking often brings out the extra sweetness in many fruits: Apples are recommended under SCD in any form as they can sweeten any dish naturally and you can have as many as you want without exceeding the legal sugar intake. Mannitol is another sugar alcohol that can be consumed illegally on the SCD. It is an indigestible carbohydrate, which means it feeds bacteria in the digestive tract; However, it should be avoided in one form or another. However, there are no official guidelines on the legality or illegality of raw honey on the SCD, so it`s up to you; However, the general consensus is that pasteurized honey that has undergone minimal processes is recommended, while raw honey tends to be avoided. Manuka honey, in particular, does not appear to have been weighed down by Elaine Godshall during her lifetime. However, she wrote that honey is generally legal on SCD, which would likely apply to Manuka honey as well. Even with the guidelines in the legal/illegal lists and the BTVC book, there are still questions that are likely to raise the theory behind some of the distinctions between the types of sweeteners allowed and those that are not and some popular gray area sweeteners today that have not been explicitly covered. Saccharin is another legal option, but it is not recommended because it contains many added chemicals. However, if you want to consume saccharin, it is best to opt for brands like Sweet N Low because they do not contain as much tartar and dextrose. Below is a list of allowed (legal) foods and unauthorized (illegal) foods while following the specific carbohydrate diet™, as described in the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle.

Taking all of this together, it seems that raw honey cannot be considered SCD-legal because, by definition, it is honey that often contains pollen. The only other consideration is that this page of the legal/illegal BTVC list was not written by Elaine Gottschall herself, and so it is up to you to decide if you trust this advice. Of course, that`s what the BTVC website administrators do, which is why they decided to include it in the legal/illegal list, but we all have to make our own decisions about some of these foods that haven`t been fully addressed by Ms. Godshall`s work. Concentrate juice tends to contain additional ingredients such as sugar, which means it`s illegal to consume on the SCD. If you have concentrate juice, make sure there are no additional ingredients besides the fruit itself. Stevia is an extremely popular and widespread brand that markets itself as a calorie-free sweetener. Elaine Gottschall, the woman who wrote SCD`s legal and illegal lists, recommends that those on the SCD avoid this product because it`s saccharin, meaning it can cause IBD or intestinal permeability, among other things. In case it is also useful to also have a special list of sweeteners to avoid specifically on the SCD diet, here is a list of SCD illegal sweeteners based on the BTVC lists of illegal ingredients: Monk fruit was not popular as a sweetener during Elaine Godshall`s lifetime, so she never weighed in. if it is SCD legal.

However, the sweetness of monk fruit comes from a complex sugar molecule (mogroside), which requires enzymes from the body to break it down, similar to sucrose. For this reason, it is very unlikely that the monk fruit will be considered a legal SCD and should be avoided. Date syrup, while technically SCD legal as an advanced stage food, is specifically not recommended, according to BTVC`s website. Therefore, this means that it probably won`t break down until it reaches the liver, meaning the monk fruit travels through the stomach and small intestine without being digestive, which can cause problems for those who have health problems or problems in their digestive tract. Due to the way monk fruit is broken down in the body, it is very similar to sucrose and should be considered illegal and avoided as much as possible. Sucralose is known as Splenda, which is illegal on SCD. This is because it contains many artificial ingredients that should be avoided in any form. Aspartame is one of the most commonly available sweeteners and although it is legal to consume on the SCD, it is not recommended to consume too much. Once you`ve started sickle cell disease, it`s important to know what sugars and sweeteners you can have as part of your diet. This may be hard to believe, as SCD is all about reducing your sugar intake, but some options are completely legal.

Maltitol is a sugar alcohol that is illegal on the SCD because it falls into the category of indigestible carbohydrates. Cherries can be eaten in any form without exceeding your legal sugar intake. According to BTVC`s website, while honey is considered legal, bee pollen is not: There are no official guidelines on the legality or illegality of the monk fruit, as it has only gained popularity in recent years. However, monk fruits have a complex genetic predisposition consisting of mogrosides, which are sugar molecules and require many enzymes in the digestive system to break them down. Sugar alcohols, e.g. erythritol, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, isomalt and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, are not allowed in the SCD diet. According to BTVC`s website, “They fall into the category of indigestible carbohydrates and sugars, which allows companies to label things as `sugar-free` even though they feed the bacteria that live in your digestive tract.” As we discussed in this article, honey is generally compliant with sickle cell disease, but there have been regular debates about whether raw honey should be legal. This is because raw honey has not been subjected to any process, including extraction or exertion, which helps reduce sugar levels and aids digestion. Raw honey is more likely to contain bee pollen, which is absolutely not allowed on SCD because of the irritability it causes to damaged intestines.

Another category that is important to consider is the fruits you can have on the SCD. This is because some fruits contain more natural sugars than others, which can exceed the legal amount of sugar you can have. As discussed above, there are many sugar alcohols advertised as sweeteners, including mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol, but the first thing to learn about sugar alcohols is that they are absolutely illegal when on the SCD.